TTSS 2025 – May 23rdLocation
Humanitas University - Via Rita Levi Montalcini, 20090 Pieve Emanuele (MI)Period
23 May 2025 - 23 May 2025Speaker
Prof. Antonino SpinelliOur course is addressed to colorectal surgeons experienced with
minimally invasive rectal surgery, included the transanal approaches.
The course is focused on the step-by-step teaching of the TTSS technique.
TTSS is a strategy developed with the aim to take the best of both worlds: from traditional TME the well-established TME dissection, learned by generations of surgeons and proven to be safe, efficacious and equally
reliable if performed open, laparoscopic or robotic; and from TaTME the idea of a transanal transection (TT) and the single-stapled (SS) anastomosis, even if with key technical differences that will be highlighted during the course.
An expert national and international faculty will guide participants in understanding the rationale, indications, patients’ selection, key steps and potential pitfalls of the TTSS technique.
The aforementioned goals will be achieved through in-depth didactic
lectures, live surgeryand hands-on training.
The course will be held for 10 delegates, according to the recent safety measures related to Covid-19 pandemia.
€ 1.500,00+VAT / € 1.830,00 VAT included